Should you Split the Bills

1 min read • September 11 2024

As a student, finding ways to save money and budget is a must. Student bill splitting is a great solution to this and can be a huge stress relief. Don’t know where to start? Let’s look at how you can split costs in more detail.

Splitting Rent

Splitting rent equally is an ideal way to avoid any arguments. It also means you don’t have to spend all your student loan on your rent. This makes life more affordable.

You could say ‘my bedroom is smaller so I should have to pay less’. Or ‘I don’t have a job, but my housemates do, so I shouldn’t have to pay as much’. Although this may seem rational in some cases, equal splitting is a better solution. It’s simpler and is fair. Many property advertisements will tell you how much each person must pay per month. This means it’s already worked out for you, making things easier.

Splitting Utilities

With The Student Energy Group, you can combine all your utility bills into one monthly statement. This includes water, gas, electricity, broadband and your TV licence. This can then be split equally between everyone you live with.

You might also be able to save money on your water, gas and electricity bills. Discuss with your housemates what you can all do to save on these bills in the long run. This way, everyone is aware and can take part.

Some examples of how you can do this include:


  • Only have the heating on for a certain amount of time
  • Don’t heat rooms that aren’t being used


  • Make sure the lights are turned off when nobody is home or if a room isn’t occupied
  • Unplug devices which aren’t being used
  • Swap old bulbs for energy saving ones


  • Take shorter showers
  • Repair leaks
  • Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth

The Weekly Shop

When everyone in your accommodation is free, organise a regular house meal. Making a large pasta bake or roast dinner means you can split the cost of the ingredients between everyone. This can work out cheaper than each person making their own individual meals.

It’s also worth sharing household items which are used on the daily. This includes washing up liquid, toilet roll, kitchen sponges and bin bags. Take it in turns to purchase them rather than everyone buying the items individually for themselves. This can include food as well, like ketchup and milk.

Splitting Bills When Going Out

Pay for what’s yours. When out for a meal, if you split the bill between how many people there are altogether, you’ll all end up paying more or less than the value of your meal. Instead, when you get the bill, pay for your individual parts. If it’s easier, you can ask one person to pay, and everyone bank transfers them for their bits of the meal after.

When going for drinks, keep an eye out for deals. Two for one means you and your friend can both get a drink and then split the cost between you. This will vary depending on which pub you visit, but you might be able to get two cocktail pitchers for £15. When split between a whole group of people, this can be very affordable.

The Benefits of Splitting Bills as Student

You won’t spend unnecessary money. Budgeting is important for students and splitting bills can contribute massively to this. Spending less on bills means you can start to save more. Having money spare means you’re prepared for financial emergencies like if your car was to break down.

Using our services at The Student Energy Group will make everything more convenient for you too. We do all the work for you so you can split everything equally without any problems.

Get Help with Splitting Bills with The Student Energy Group

If you sign up with us, we’ll plant a tree! Putting all your monthly statements into one uni bills package with The Student Energy Group will make your life easier. You can get a free quote from us today. It’ll take you less than two minutes.

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