How Long Does It Take to Settle into a New City as a Uni Student?

1 min read • September 13 2024

Settling into a new city at first is daunting for many but is rewarding once time goes by. This blog will cover how long it may take you to get used to your new university environment.

The First Adjustment Period (Weeks 1-3)

Moving into a new property will take anyone a while to get used to. For students moving to a new city, this can be a whole other adjustment and new way of life. After around 1-3 weeks, you may find yourself starting to slowly settle in. For others, this may take longer, and that’s okay!

Exploring the city and your university campuses can help you adjust to your new environment. Visiting any nearby shops, green areas and cafes can help you become more familiar with your surrounding area.

Making Friends (Months 1-3)

The first friends you’ll make will probably be on your academic course or living with you. During your induction week, your lecturers are likely to make you do activities to get you talking to people on your course. This will feel strange and maybe a little cringey, but it’ll be super helpful. You’ll quickly find yourself making friends, so don’t worry. What will take a little longer however, is working out who your closest friends will be.

Academic Life (Months 2-4)

When starting university, you might not have done academic work for a few months or more. Some people won’t have done any in years. It could take you a while to get used to doing essays and coursework again, but that’s okay. You may find it useful to study with others. This can allow you to get to know new friends better, as well as make doing work a little less boring.

Starting to Feel Comfortable in the City (Months 4-6)

After 4-6 months, you should know your way around your neighbourhood. If you still don’t feel entirely comfortable, that’s okay. Try taking regular walks around the area. This way, you’ll become more used to what’s nearby.

Dealing with Homesickness and How to Overcome it (6 Months)

Feeling homesick can be uncomfortable. It’s also completely normal. There are many things you can do to help yourself like:

  • Keep in contact with friends and family. Calling home and messaging friends can give you a sense of familiarity. When going off to university, a lot of students tend to miss their pets too. Ask a family member to facetime every now and again so you so you can see your furry friend.
  • Tell people how you’re feeling. It’s likely that your university friends have felt homesick at some point too. Asking them how they coped with it may also help you
  • Surround yourself with home comforts. Many people have a childhood teddy. Maybe you have a scented candle which reminds you of your childhood bedroom Keeping personal items nearby can help you deal with homesickness better
  • If you’re really struggling, you might want to get professional help. Most universities will have services like mental health support. You can also register with a GP if you’re feeling down too. They should be able to point you in the right direction

Settled in (6-12 Months)

At this point, you should feel a lot more comfortable with the area you live in. You’d have been on enough walks, done plenty of food shops and gone exploring with friends.

Factors That Can Affect Time to Settle

Everyone’s different, don’t put yourself down if you’re struggling to settle in. It may take you more time to get used to your new city if:

  • You’ve moved far – If you’ve gone from Devon to go to university up North for example, it may be trickier for you to get used to the distance at first
  • Your surroundings are different to what you’re used to – If you’re from a small seaside village and now you’ve moved to a city, this can be a big step. Settling in might be especially challenging for international students. Those who’ve moved country aren’t just getting used to a new city, but a different culture too
  • Individual circumstances. If you’re someone who is very close to family and hasn’t left home much, then this change could be difficult

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